Summer Day Camp
Registration will open March 15th at 6pm
The Summer Day Camp will run from June 24th - August 16th. NO CAMP JULY 4TH
Our hours are from 7:30AM-5:00PM. The daily activities begin at 9AM. Drop-Off between 7:30AM and 9AM; Pick-up between 3PM and 5PM.
BRD will only accept the first 30 children who register and pay in full. Any child that is registered over 30 will be put on a waiting list.
- Swim Lesson
- Library Program (every week)
- Colonial Theatre
- Friday Field Trips
- Arts and Crafts
- Games
Early Bird Special - $820
Monday through Friday for 8 weeks. Must be paid in full by June 7th. (An additional $180 is due by June 21st for Friday field trips).
Session One (June 24th-July 5th) - $280
Session Two (July 8th-July 19th) - $280
Session Three (July 22nd -Aug 2nd) - $280
Session Four (Aug 5th-Aug 16th) - $280
*An additional $65 is due by the start of the session for field trips.
Each session will include Monday - Friday for two weeks. Your session must be paid in full 2 weeks prior to the start of your session.
Older Kids
Younger Kids
Going into Kindergarden - 4th Grade
4th Grade - Age 14
The Summer Day Camp will run from June 24th - August 16th. NO CAMP JULY 4TH
Our hours are from 8AM-4PM. The daily activities begin at 9AM. Drop-Off between 8AM and 9AM; Pick-up between 3:30PM and 4PM.
BRD will only accept the first 12 children who register and pay in full. Any child that is registered over 12 will be put on a waiting list.
The Older Kids camp is very much on the go and the schedule can change up to the morning of. It doesn't include Swim Lesson but will have Free Swim two or three times a week at the town pool; they will have to pass a deep water test to be in the deep end.
- Being encouraged to do new things
- Stepping out of comfort zone
- Library Program (every 2 weeks)
- Free Swim at the Pool
- Competitive Games
- Multiple field trips per week
- Overnights
Early Bird Special - $820
This will include Monday - Friday for 8 Weeks. Must be paid in full by June 7th. (An additional $275 is due by June 21st for field trips.)
Session One (June 24th-July 5th) - $280
Session Two (July 8th-July 19th) - $280
Session Three (July 22nd -Aug 2nd) - $280
Session Four (Aug 5th-Aug 16th) - $280
*An additional $100 is due by the start of the session for field trips.
Each session will include Monday - Friday for two weeks. Your session must be paid in full 2 weeks prior to the start of your session. We will not accept deposits.
Registration will open on March 15th at 6pm
Notes For Everyone:
Please pick-up and drop-off your child(ren) at the designated pick-up/drop-off time.
Fees for late pick up and early drop off are as follows;
0-15 minutes $5.00
16-25 minutes $10.00
26 minutes & up $15.00
Billing: You will be responsible to pay by June 7th for Early Bird or two week prior to the Monday your child is attending. All accounts must be current and in good standings. In the event that you are late on your tuition payment your child will be withdrawn from the recreation program.
Please make sure that your balance for the After School Program is paid in full before Summer Camp.