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After School Program 

After School Program

Registration will open on Aug 8th at 8am and close when we have 30 kids registered.

Full Time:

$150 per month (includes 5 days a week)

$115 per month when a vacation week is during that month

Part Time:

$85 per month (includes 3 days a week)

$65 per month when a vacation week is during that month


This program is Monday-Friday until 5pm. (excludes holidays, half days, and vacation weeks)

Please pick up your child(ren) promptly.

Fees for late pick up are as follows;

5-15 minutes $5.00

16-25 minutes $10.00

26 minutes & up $15.00

Billing: You will be billed monthly. Payment is due on the 1st of every month. All accounts must be current and in good standings. In the event that you are late on your tuition payment your child will be withdrawn from the recreation programs. 


**After School program follows the SAU calendar and after school cancelations. 

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